
The source code used for the Amazon Sagemaker JumpStart demo during AWS Innovate AIML EMEA Conference Feb 24 2021

Primary LanguageTypeScript

SageMaker JumpStart Client App

This simple React app calls an SageMaker runtime created with SageMaker Jumpstart.


This code is a prototype, it requires an AWS Access Key and Secret key in clear text in src/config.tsx.

For production setup, use AWS Amplify with the Auth category to restrict access to AWS SageMaker Runtime InvokeEndoint API only.


After deploying your SageMaker JumpStart model, collect the model inference endpoint from the Jupyter Notebook provided by SageMaker JumpStart. Report the model endpoint ID to config.tsx

To test locally :

npm install # install the dependencies
mv src/config-ADJUST-AND-RENAME.tsx src/confix.tsx # prepare a config file

# edit config.tsx with your model endpoint (taken from SageMaker Jumpstart's Notebook) + an access key and secret key id from an AWS IAM user having permission to invoke `sagemaker:InvokeEndpoint` API.

npm start 

Example IAM Policy

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "sagemaker:InvokeEndpoint",
            "Resource": "*"