
A multi-arch alpine based container for hubzilla

Primary LanguageShell

Docker Image CI

Hubzilla Docker image

This is the packaging of hubzilla as a docker image based on php:7.4-fpm-alpine in a multi-arch (amd64, arm, arm64) format.

Supported environnement variables:

Variable Default Description
DB_TYPE postgres Database type : postgres or mysql
DB_HOST postgres Host name of the database
DB_PORT 5432 Database port number, set empty to use the default of your DB_TYPE (aka 3306 for mysql)
DB_NAME hub Database name
DB_USER hubzilla Database user to connect to
DB_PASSWORD hubzilla Database user password
SMTP_HOST smtp.domain.com Mail server hostname
SMTP_PORT 587 Mail server port number
SMTP_USER user User name for the mail server
SMTP_DOMAIN domain.com Mail domain
SMTP_PASS password Password for the user on the mail server, if set empty, then no authentication on the smtp server will be used
HUBZILLA_DOMAIN domain.com Web domain name for hubzilla
HUBZILLA_ADMIN email of this hubzilla administrator (you)
REDIS_PATH If set (to something like " tcp://redis") then php sessions will be stored in this redis server (usefull for horizontal scalability)
LDAP_SERVER LDAP serveur name (dont forget to add "ldapauth" to the ADDON_LIST)
LDAP_ROOT_DN LDAP username to connect to (ex: cn=admin,dc=domain,dc=com)
LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD Password for that LDAP user
LDAP_BASE Path to look for users in the directory (ex: ou=people,,dc=domain,dc=com)
ADDON_LIST nsfw superblock diaspora pubcrawl Addons to activate during initial configuration


Please see the install directory for usage examples.