
This is an example project using Angular in a monorepo with NX & (npm) workspaces.

Each application is an independent package within apps/*. Shared packages & tooling live within packages/* and tools/* respectively.


First, clone the repo:

git clone git@github.com:sebtoombs/nx-angular-monorepo.git

Jump into the project:

cd nx-angular-monorepo

Then install dependencies:

npm install

Start an application:

npx nx start transaction

Note: This usage assumes we're using nx pipelines etc, which currently we aren't. You could also do npm start -w apps/transaction

Monorepo notes

There are a few handy things to know when working with a workspaces (npm, yarn etc) monorepo

  • There should only ever be one package lockfile (whether npm or yarn or pnpm or other) at the root of the project.
  • Each project should specify it's own package.json with it's own dependencies, scripts
  • The root should know as little about the applications, packages as possible and instead only maintain scripts & dependencies needed for global "things" (this is very case-by-case)
  • To run commands within apps/packages, one should always use the workspace provider's method (that is - we never cd packages/...). For npm that would be npm run <command> -w apps/my-app