
Shaarli + SingleFile for local archiving of your bookmarks

Primary LanguagePython

Shaarli Archiver

Shaarli doesn't have native local archiving possibilities.

SingleFile provides an easy way to archive web pages in a single HTML file (embedding pictures!).

This container image combines the power of both!

How does it work?

  • this container will query your Shaarli instance every hour
  • it searches your Shaarli for links with a specific tag that you define (e.g. to_archive)
  • if bookmarks are found with that tag, SingleFile processes the links and saves the single HTML under /archives on the container filesystem (mount the folder!)
  • when processed bookmarks are edited
    • description is updated with a link to the archive (e.g.: file:///home/user/archives/1234_20200101_120000.html or https://archive.example.com/1234_20200101_120000.html)
    • tag shaarli-archiver is added, making it easy to find archived bookmarks
  • an (optional) notification is sent to Pushover (it uses the apprise library)
  • when all links are processed, the dedicated and unique tag is deleted

How a bookmark looks before processing

How it looks after processing

The "Archived on..." is clickable and goes to ARCHIVE_URL/linkID_archivalDate.html

Run the container

SHAARLI_TAG is the dedicated and unique tag that triggers the archiving.

SHAARLI_TOKEN is the token that can be found in your Shaarli under Tools > Configure your Shaarli > REST API secret

ARCHIVE_URL is where you will expose your archives (e.g. file:///home/user/archives/, https://archive.example.com or https://archive.example.com/subfolder)

PUSHOVER_USER (optional) is your Pushover user token, if you want to get notified when a link is processed

PUSHOVER_TOKEN (optional) is your Pushover application token, if you want to get notified when a link is processed

sudo docker run -d \
    --name=shaarli-archiver \
    -e SHAARLI_URL=https://shaarli.example.com \
    -e SHAARLI_TOKEN=abcdef \
    -e SHAARLI_TAG=to_archive \
    -e ARCHIVE_URL=https://archive.example.com \
    -e PUSHOVER_USER=abc \
    -e PUSHOVER_TOKEN=xyz \
    -v /some/local/folder/archives:/archives \

Exposing your archives

If you want to expose your archives, you can use the nginx container image mounted to the same local folder:

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name shaarli-archiver-site -p 80:80 -v /some/local/folder/archives:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -d nginx

Build the container yourself

git clone https://github.com/sebw/shaarli-archiver
cd shaarli-archiver
docker build . -t shaarli-archiver:0.4


Checking the logs

docker exec -it shaarli-archiver tail -f /var/log/shaarli-archiver.log

Execute manually

docker exec -it shaarli-archiver sh
/usr/bin/python3 /opt/check.py