Chef and Chef Compliance - Up and Running

AChef and Chef Complianc Demo material and CLI Commands. Visit or visit secsandman on YouTube to follow along and learn the basics of AWS Security Groups. CF code snippets, cloud formation templates, and scripts. Enjoy

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You'll need to install some software before moving forward.

Chef Server (5 Node Free)
Chef Compliance 


Begin with the Intro video Then Deploy and configure Chef Server Configure the Devloper Machine Use the cloud-init scripts to bootstrap the nodes to be managed Use the Apache file contents and add to a practice workbook Push the workbook to the chever server and apply to the nodes Validate pache is running Deploy chef compliance Use the content in the integrate docs to integrate compliance with chev server Add nodes to compliance scan Use the contents in the user-mgmt.rb file to write a simple permissions remediation

Running the tests

Remember validate Knife SSL check Remember Knife SSL Fetch (non prod) Remember to either import a trusted authorized certificate or disable ssl validation (non prod0



Thanks to AWS team who put together some of the tutorials refernces Thanks to Chef team who put together their documentation


Version 1.0


  • Ricky L. Sanders -