
Simple CLI code to illustrate KMS encrypt and decrypt.

Primary LanguageShell


AWS KMS CLI Demo code and CLI Commands. Visit www.securitysandman.com or visit secsandman on YouTube to follow along and learn the basics of AWS Security Groups. CF code snippets, cloud formation templates, and scripts. Enjoy

Step by Step

Log into AWS console IAM –> Keys –>Create Key Key Alias Description Region Set Role Set User

Validate policy allows the user or role associated with the AWS Access Key and Secret Access Keys Hop back to your local development environment AWS configure Validate Region is same region as KMS keys KMS keys are region specific, your CLI calls wont work if your in the wrong region

Check out the basic output aws kms encrypt –key-id arn: <foor/bar> –plaintext “mySqlPassword”

Notice that the output returns the full object with an array of properties

We don’t want that so try aws kms encrypt –key-id arn: <foor/bar> –plaintext “mySqlPassword” –query CiphertextBlob –output text

KMS encode the response so let’s decode for later use aws kms encrypt –key-id arn: <foor/bar> –plaintext “mySqlPassword” –query CiphertextBlob –output text | base64 -D

No that it’s working let’s output to a file for later use aws kms encrypt –key-id arn: <foor/bar> –plaintext “mySqlPassword” –query CiphertextBlob –output text | base64 -D > mySQLPasswordFile

Reverse the operation so we can dycrypt the ciphertext to plaintext aws kms decrypt –ciphertext-blob fileb://mySqlpwd –output text –query Plaintext | base64 -D