
Learn how to build and deploy StarkNet Accounts

Primary LanguageCairo

StarkNet Account Abstraction

Exercise Topic Points
hello hello account world 100
signature_1 handling Stark signatures 100
signature_2 handling Stark signatures 200
signature_3 handling Stark signatures 300
multicall multiple contract call account 500
multisig multiple signature account 1000
abstraction unique account architecture 2000


This tutorial uses the cairo environment, starknet-devnet, and starknet.py:

install tutorial dependencies

sudo apt install -y libgmp3-dev
pip3 install ecdsa fastecdsa sympy
pip3 install rich requests
pip3 install cairo-lang

init cairo environment

python3.7 -m venv ~/cairo_venv
source ~/cairo_venv/bin/activate

install starknet dependencies

pip3 install --upgrade openzeppelin-cairo-contracts
pip3 install --upgrade starknet-devnet
pip3 install --upgrade starknet.py

install pytest dependencies

pip3 install --upgrade pytest pytest-asyncio


This tutorial consists of various StarkNet account conracts and starknet_py helper scripts for compilation, deployment, and testing.

pass the 'evaluator.cairo' checks and collect all the points available on StarkNet(Goerli)

To complete exercises read the mission statement at the top of each starknet_py script(also printed to terminal) for instructions. The exercises will get more difficult and will require you to:

  • manipulate the python files
  • write the relevant Cairo code.

These tasks will be annotated with the comment # ACTION ITEM <NUM>


Transactions take time to complete on testnet so you should develop and debug locally first. Let's try it out with the hello/hello.cairo exercise. There are no # ACTION ITEMs that need to be completed for this exercise and we can simply test that it works.

1) init devnet

starknet-devnet --port 5000 --seed 0 --gas-price 250

2) deploy evaluator

# NOTE: 
# - you do not have to deploy the validator for `testnet`
# - devnet contract details can be found in `contracts/accounts.json`
cd contracts
python3 evaluator.py

3) deploy/test hello contract

python3 hello/hello.py

The relevant evaluator contract addresses are saved to the contracts/accounts.json cache. For devnet testing the devnet contracts MUST BE DELETED everytime devnet is restarted. If you would like to disable this constract cache run:

export ACCOUNT_CACHE=false

There were no action items for you to complete so you should see a succesfull PAYDAY!!! response from the devnet evaluator contract. To confirm you can check your ERC20 balance with the following curl where:

  • "contract_address" = "account.json" --> "http://localhost:5000" --> "token/TDERC20"

  • "entry_point_selector" = felt representation of selector "balanceOf" (no change required)

  • "calldata" = "hints.json" --> "DEVNET_ACCOUNT" --> "ADDRESS"

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:5000/feeder_gateway/call_contract' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "contract_address": "0x670057632fd615a107b2f8ac97d46ab1d169c6b83f510ed52640a73a44f2dd7",
    "entry_point_selector": "0x2e4263afad30923c891518314c3c95dbe830a16874e8abc5777a9a20b54c76e",
    "calldata": ["3562055384976875123115280411327378123839557441680670463096306030682092229914"],
    "signature": []


When deploying to testnet fill out the relevant details in the hints.json file under TESTNET_ACCOUNT for your StarkNet account to transfer fees and receive rewards.

Argent-X Example


  • From the example wallet above you can copy the address(0x0742B5662...6476f8f)
  • Paste the felt representation in the hints.json TESTNET_ACCOUNT -> ADDRESS
  • To get the felt represenation you can paste the address in this conversion tool.


  • Select the three vertical dots to display the wallet options
  • Select Export private key
  • Copy the private key from this screen and paste it in hints.json TESTNET_ACCOUNT -> PRIVATE.


  • Select the three vertical dots to display the wallet options
  • Select View on Voyager
  • From the Voyager Block Explorer select the READ Contract -> IMPLEMENTATION tab
  • Drop down the get_signer selector
  • Select Decimal query
  • Copy the public key from this screen and paste it in hints.json TESNET_ACCOUNT -> PUBLIC

Example hints.json


Accounts on StarkNet must pay fees to cover the L1 footprint of their transaction. So the account details you enter must have Goerli ETH(~0.5 ETH) and can be funded either through the starkgate bridge or StarkNet Faucet.

After you have tested your contract locally you can test on testnet by passing the --testnet flag to the starknet_py script:

python3 hello/hello.py --testnet


If you need hints on tutorial solutions you can find them in repository branch named hints/all. These will include a pytest for you to run, the completed starknet_py, and the completed cairo contract.

To run the hints:

cd hints
pytest hello.py

Walk Through

Accounts on StarkNet are deployed via an Account Abstraction model.


accounts on StarkNet are simply contracts

One caveat for account contract deployments is they must have a canonical entrypoint denoted with the selector __execute__.

...and that's it!

Lets deploy and test the simplest account contract we can:

cd contracts
python3 hello/hello.py

The job of an account contract is to execute arbitrary business logic on behalf of a sepcific entity. This is why we see a similar argument pattern for most execute functions:

    # contract we wish to execute our transaction on
    contract_address : felt
    # entry point of that contract we wish to call
    selector : felt

    # contracts will require varying lengths of calldata so we pass an array
    calldata_len : felt
    calldata : felt*

Unlike Ethereum EOAs, StarkNet accounts don't have a hard requirement on being managed by a public/private key pair.

Account abstraction cares more about who(i.e. the contract address) rather than how(i.e. the signature).

This leaves the ECDSA signature scheme up to the developer and is typically implemented using the pedersen hash and native Stark curve:

cd contracts
python3 signature/signature_1.py

The signature_1 contract has no concept of a public/private keypair. All the signing was done "off-chain" and yet with account abstraction we're still able to operate a functioning account with a populated signature field.

Let's couple the signing logic more succintly wtih the account:

HINT: we have not yet implemented a nonce

cd contracts
python3 signature/signature_2.py

Although we are free to populate the signature field how we please, the StarkNet OS has a specific method for hashing transaction data.

This transaction hash encompasses all the relevant tx_info, and typically the message_hash signed by account contracts. The account owner is thereby acknowledging all of the relevant transaction information:

cd contracts
python3 signature/signature_3.py

Now that we have implemented the vanilla ECDSA signing mechanisms lets see what account abstraction can really do!

A multicall aggregates the results from multiple contract calls. This reduces the number of seperate API Client or JSON-RPC requests that need to be sent. In addition it acts as an atomic invocation where all values are returned for the same block.

Popular wallet providers like Argent use this design to implement account contracts on StarkNet to accomodate a multicall or a single call with one scheme.

There are many implementations of multicall that allow the caller flexibility in how they distribute and batch their transactions.

Let's implement a multicall account for StarkNet:

cd contracts
python3 multicall/multicall.py

A multisig or multiple signature wallet allows you to share security accross multiple signinging entities. You can think of them like bank vaults in that they require more than one key to unlock, or in this case authorize a transaction.

The amount of signing keys that belong to the account and the ammount of keys required to authorize a transaction are purely implementation details.

Lets implement a 2/3 multisig account(i.e. 2 signatures are required out of a total 3 signers for a transaction to be executed):

cd contracts
python3 multisig/multisig.py

As StarkNet accounts are simply contracts we can implement any signing mechanism we want. Companies like Web3Auth are using this to create Sign-In architectures using your StarkNet account. JWT token schems are being implemented.

Discussions on novel account architecutres are popping up more and more and it looks to be an increasingly important tool in the developer toolkit.

For an example of a unique account architecture we will build a contract that implements it's signatures scheme with the secp256k1 curve and sha256 instead of our native StarkNet curve:

cd contracts
python3 abstraction/abstraction.py