
Highlighting scroll trigger/target elements, and general smooth scrolling.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


This is a jQuery plugin that provides some scroll controlling.

  • highlighting scroll trigger/target elements
  • general smooth scrolling.

Required Framework

  • jQuery (jQuery 1.7 or later)



Load this script after jquery.js, and call "scrollmanager" method when document is ready.

<script src="/js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="/js/jquery.scrollmanager.js"></script>
$(function() {
		// some options...
		horizontal: false

Selector must be "A" elements that has hash anchor to specific element id. Attribute selector (like this:'a[href^="#"]') is convenient to select such "A" elements.


Option name Default value Note
vertical true Whether controlling vertical scrolling or not. If you set this option to false, it'll be like this demo.
horizontal true Whether controlling horizontal scrolling or not. If you set this option to false, it'll be like this demo.
className "on" This will be added to the trigger/target elements to highlight.
easing "swing" This will be passed to jQuery "animate()" method option.
duration 750 This will be passed to jQuery "animate()" method option.
delay 500 Delay of highlighting after scrolling. It's unit is millisecond.
complete function (target, trigger) { } Callback function that will be called when highlighting. Two arguments, target element and trigger element will be passed.


Detection of highlighting depends on the center position of screen. When the position comes in the target area, the target/the connected trigger will be highlighted.