
Mini project implementation for Senior Software Engineer position

Primary LanguageC#


Mini project implementation for Senior Software Engineer position


You need to have .NET Core 3.1 and NodeJS 12.x installed in order to run this solution.

Part One (Brand Data Importer)


Part one is implemented as a console app named BackOfficeSystems.BrandDataImporter.

Main point about implementation is that it is generic. You need to only change couple of configuration files to add new tables, .tsv files or change schema.

Application need to know how tables are looking to create it on the fly. So it need to use SQL schema for it. Schema for Brands are in DbSchema.sql file and is used by default.

In current implementation there is 1:1 relation between file and table. So, only one .tsv per SQL table could be used in one run.

Also, not all data could be inserted into MySQL database as is. For example, datetime need to be converted to appropriate view to avoid MySQL errors. For that purpose application will try to get column types from database and transform data using one of ITransformer implementation.

Currently implemented custom ITransformer only for datetime transformation.

There is Serilog logging added to a project. It then could be used to setup Splunk, Grafana, etc. alerts and monitoring, if use this application as scheduled service.

General flow:

  1. Resolve file contents by filenames
  2. Validate files
  3. Load scheme
  4. Ensure that database for insertion exists, create if not
  5. Insert data from files into tables

Application can consume settings from environment variables and appsettings.json file (env variables have more priority that file settings).

Also, application is cross platform and could be started on all systems supported by .NET Core 3.1 (even on Docker, for example)

Built on top of dependencies:

  • Dapper
  • MySql.Data
  • NReco.Csv
  • Serilog
  • Serilog.Sinks.Console
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json


To run application execute following in console/terminal (from the root repository folder):


cd BackOfficeSystems.BrandDataImporter
dotnet run


export ConnectionStrings__MySql=YOUR_CONFIGURATION_STRING_HERE
cd BackOfficeSystems.BrandDataImporter
dotnet run


Just open .sln file in your favorite IDE, provide ConnectionStrings__MySql env variable to BackOfficeSystems.BrandDataImporter build configuration and hit "Build and Run".

Part Two (Brand API)


Part Two is implemented as ASP.NET Core Web API application named BackOfficeSystems.BrandApi. App utilizes Swagger, has support of JSON and XML responses and designed using REST practicies.

Brand API consists of such projects:

  • BackOfficeSystems.BrandApi: Web API entry point
  • BackOfficeSystems.BrandApi.Domain: Contains Brand aggregate root and repository contract
  • BackOfficeSystems.BrandApi.Infrastructure: Contains EF Core context and repository implementation

Logging also provided via Serilog. To reduce and simplify boilerplate mapping code AutoMapper is used.

Application can consume settings from environment variables and appsettings.json file (env variables have more priority that file settings).

Built on top of dependencies:

  • AutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection
  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
  • Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql
  • Serilog.AspNetCore
  • Swashbuckle.AspNetCore


To run application execute following in console/terminal (from the root repository folder):


set ConnectionStrings__BackOfficeSystems=YOUR_CONFIGURATION_STRING_HERE
cd BackOfficeSystems.BrandApi
dotnet run --environment Development


export ConnectionStrings__BackOfficeSystems=YOUR_CONFIGURATION_STRING_HERE
cd BackOfficeSystems.BrandApi
dotnet run  --environment Development


Just open .sln file in your favorite IDE, provide ConnectionStrings__BackOfficeSystems env variable to BackOfficeSystems.BrandApi/launchSettings.json file, under profiles/BackOfficeSystems.BrandApi/environmentVariables section and hit "Build and Run".

Part Three (Brand Client App)


Part Three is implemented using VueJS + Vue Material. Vue Router is used to implement multipage app.

Application can consume settings from environment variables. Environment variables could be also provided using .env.local file.

Built on top of dependencies:

  • dotenv
  • node-sass
  • sass-loader
  • vue
  • vue-material
  • vue-router
  • vuelidate


Part Three is dependent on Part Two, so, before starting Part Three - please run Part Two.

To run application execute following in console/terminal (from the root repository folder):


set VUE_APP_API_ROOT=http://localhost:5000
cd BackOfficeSystems.ClientApp
npm run serve


export VUE_APP_API_ROOT=http://localhost:5000
cd BackOfficeSystems.ClientApp
npm run serve


Open BackOfficeSystems.ClientApp folder in any appropriate IDE, enrich environment variable VUE_APP_API_ROOT with your backend API root (by default equals http://localhost:5000, nut it need to be provided explicitly) and run NPM script serve.

After successful running app 'll be available on http://localhost:8080.

Unit tests

There are some unit tests for BrandDataImporter located in BackOfficeSystems.BrandDataImporter.UnitTests project. Tests implemented using xUnit framework and AAA principles.

How to run tests

cd BackOfficeSystems.BrandDataImporter.UnitTests
dotnet test