
Rewrite of androidsnippets.com for relaunch

Primary LanguagePython

Rewrite of moaisnippets.com which runs on appengine.

Currently in prototyping, models are not yet finalized.


Important Improvements

  • Cleaner user interface (need more help on this!)
  • Markdown support for descriptions
  • Ability to edit/improve existing snippets
  • Akismet integration to catch comment spam

Libraries used

  • Django 1.2
  • [html5-boilerplate] 1 (MIT,BSD,Public Domain)
  • [jquery] 2 (MIT and GPL2)
  • [jquery-ui] 3 (MIT and GPL)
  • [tipTip tooltip plugin] 4 (MIT)
  • [Python-markdown] 5 (BSD)
    • JS Alternatives: Openlibrary fork of [WMD and showdown.js] 6 (MIT), [Github flavored markdown] 7
  • [google-code-prettify] 8 (Apache 2.0)
  • [ZeroClipboard] 12 (MIT)
  • [Akismet python module] 11 (BSD)
  • [Tweepy] 13 (MIT)