Date: 2022-07-20
- Chrome
- Safari
- Firefox
- Edge
- Opera
- Sentry
- Envoy
- Atmo
- K8s
- Krustlet
- OpenEuler/iSula
- waSCC
- none
- none
- TensorFlow
- SQLite
- ONNX.js
- Figma
- Zoom
- Google Meeting
- Bilibili
- Privoce
- Master
- Squoosh
- Shopify
- Node.js
- Deno
- Wasm-joey
- Blazor WebAssembly
- Cloudflare
- Fastly
- TencentCloud Serverless
- Second State Functions
- Cosmos-wasm
- Definity
- Ethereum
- Near
- Oasis Labs
- ParaState
- Substrate
- Solana
Please ensure your pull request adheres to the following guidelines:
- Search previous suggestions before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate.
- Make an individual pull request for each suggestion.
- Use the following format:
- Link additions should be added to the bottom of the relevant category, with the exception of date ordered categories.
- New categories or improvements to the existing categorization are welcome.
- Check your spelling and grammar.
- Make sure your text editor is set to remove trailing whitespace.
- The pull request and commit should have a useful title.
- The body of your commit message should contain a link to the repository.
Thank you for your suggestions!