
A kv feature example for sewup hackthon

Primary LanguageRust


A key value feature example for sewup hackathon

Hangman Game

Hangman is a classic game for learning English words.

If you are not familiar with this game, you can play this web game.

In this example, we design a game including the basic idea of Hangman and use sewup kv feature as backend.

Here is the rule, and we will implement this latter.

  1. Every account can set only a word as the puzzle, a sentence as the reward for people solve the puzzle, and a hint for people
  2. Everyone can get the information of the puzzle (the length of words and the hint).
  3. Everyone guess one char, for example p, and he will get a partial string like -pp--.
  4. Everyone can guess the word, if correct, he will see the sentence.
