
A template project to run Rust functions in Deno through the Second State WebAssembly engine.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Build and test

Check out this tutorial article: Deno Apps with WebAssembly, Rust, and WASI


Install Deno

Install Rust

Also, if you have not done so, please bring your Linux system up to date with dev tools.

sudo apt install build-essential curl wget git vim libboost-all-dev


The command below installs the ssvmup tooling.

$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/second-state/ssvmup/master/installer/init.sh -sSf | sh


$ ssvmup build --target deno


$ deno run --allow-read --allow-env --unstable deno/test.ts

NOTE: If you encounter an error here, most likely your Deno install and cached library files are out of sync. Use the deno cache --reload command to fix this issue.


$ deno run --allow-read --allow-net --allow-env --unstable deno/server.ts

User test

$ curl http://localhost:8000/
hello  World

Next steps

Check out the SSVM Deno repository for more WebAssembly examples on Deno.

Tutorial article: Deno Apps with WebAssembly, Rust, and WASI