- 7
failed to resolve: could not find `wasi` in `os` could not find `wasi` in `os`
#85 opened by carrycooldude - 5
- 7
bug: error when using http_client
#86 opened by dipankardas011 - 0
Does this structure packing size and alignment of WasiAddrinfo match the c++ host code's __wasi_addrinfo_t
#83 opened by danielblignaut - 1
Can the client API be used in browser?
#82 opened by gftea - 4
- 1
HTTP Server return error
#79 opened by Patrick0308 - 1
Nonblocking UDP sockets
#76 opened by tbraun96 - 5
Error: Os code: 52
#68 opened by vishalchandra - 2
Error in http_client
#73 opened by JasonLou99 - 9
OS Error 28 when starting server
#66 opened by jcuffe - 0
How to shutdown the socket.
#65 opened by MediosZ - 2
- 2
[Proposal] Implement missing functions.
#51 opened by MediosZ - 4
Http server error
#49 opened by developerworks - 1
READ and WRITE subscriptions on the same fd
#50 opened by MediosZ - 0
examples/poll_http_server is wrong
#46 opened by L-jasmine - 1
Support for HTTPS
#45 opened by dzobbe - 2
- 1
Improvements and questions
#32 opened by KernelErr - 4
Can I use it in wasmedge's cpp api?
#30 opened by arcosx - 3
- 5
Q: why accept need port?
#24 opened by L-jasmine - 4
Any plans to implement QUIC protocol?
#19 opened by tysonrm - 3
Q: Is it possible to plug-and-play with this?
#22 opened by srenatus - 0
add getaddress function example
#21 opened by alittlehorse - 3
[discussion] Do we need to uniform the installation and usage of `cargo build` targeting `wasi`
#16 opened by alabulei1 - 1
[http_server] improve the
#15 opened by alabulei1 - 1
Fix compiler warnings
#18 opened by juntao - 1
[http_server] Optimize the warning information when building rust code to wasm
#14 opened by alabulei1 - 0
Generate index pages at the root path.
#11 opened by 0yi0 - 0
Rename `w13e` to `wasmedge`
#6 opened by hydai - 0
Deploy docs on gh-pages
#7 opened by hydai