libft Unit tests

⚠️ Important note: this version targets the new 42 subject of libft, if you want to use the old one you can access it on the old branch.

libft-unit-test is a complete testing suite for 42's libft project, allowing you to test your lib, track your progress and benchmarking your lib (with system's libc or with another lib)


You must have the following file structure:

|- libft/
|- libft-unit-tests/

Whereas: libft is your project folder. libft-unit-tests is the folder containing this repository.

Afterwards, you can just make.

(NOTE: Before running make, you can edit the LIBFTDIR variable containing the path to your libft folder.)


Run make f or ./run_test when inside the repo's directory. ./run_test -b to use the Benchmark mode. (-b option to compare with system's libc and -v <libft file> option to compare with another libft file (should be

the -nospeed option is available if you're mad enough at your optimization. :)


To get it work on linux:

  • Install this two packages libbsd-dev and libncurses-dev
  • Add a rule called 'so' in your Makefile to compile your libft in dynamic library instead of static (must be called "").


Default mode


Benchmark mode
