

Application Recipe https://recipes-2021.herokuapp.com/

Used gem:

  • Devise
  • Pundit
  • FriendlyId
  • Kaminari (> Satge_36)
  • Pagy (Stage_37+)
  • Active Text
  • Active Storage
  • BootStrap
  • Faker
  • gravatar_image_tag (forked and edit!)
  • acts_as_votable
  • fontawesome
  • ancestry
  • omniauth, 'omniauth-facebook', 'omniauth-github', omniauth-google-oauth2'
  • activerecord-session_store
  • Gravatar
  • Ransack
  • pg_search
  • I18n
  • aws-sdk-s3
  • rails-social-share-button
  • grover
  • wicked
  • redcarpet
  • brakeman
  • standard
  • letter_opener
  • jsonapi-serializer
  • react-rails


  • Action Text & Markdown formatiing (with preview)
  • Active Storage (Amazon S3)
  • Paginate with Kaminari (>Stage_36), Pagy (Stage_37+) with BootStrap theme
  • Favorite (AJAX only)
  • Category with Ancestry
  • Voted comments with acts_as_votable gem
  • 5 Star Rating and Review with JS
  • Tags for Recipe
  • Tags 3D cloud
  • Tags aucomplete with choices.js (vanila JS)
  • Recipes, Favorites, Comments counter_cache for User model
  • Comments and reply with avatar (AJAX)
  • Comment inline edit/update with HotWire (stage_28, later - remove)
  • Comment inline edit/update with AJAX (stage_29 +)
  • Comment and Reply full AJAX create/update/delete
  • Nested Forms
  • Dynamic add/remove fields for Steps (Stimulus)
  • Simple inline edit Recipe title (Stimulus)
  • A wizard to create a recipe step by step (gem wicked)
  • Read more/read less in description recipes#index (Stimulus)
  • Authentication Devise with email/username
  • Authentication with Facebook, Github omniauth and Google oauth2 (support user attributes update)
  • Avatar for User and more Devise attributes: First name, Last Name, Username (uniq), Birthday, About
  • Avatar preview after selecting a picture in User settings
  • User data preview when you hover the mouse cursor over the author of the post (AJAX, Stimulus)
  • Tabs in User edit profile (html/css only)
  • Recipes 10+ attributes (calories, prep/cook times; serves, fat, salt, sugar, protein, fibre ....)
  • Badge: Gluten-free; Vegan; Vegetarian, Easy, Kosher, Free: gluten, sugar, salt)
  • Infinity scroll Recipes#index/Favorites#lists with vanila JS;
  • Authorize with Pundit
  • Localization Russin/English (+ User attribute language)
  • Disappearing flash messages with toastr js
  • AutoHide & close Errors/Flash message with vanila JS
  • Popover/Tooltip with vanila JS
  • Datepicker with vanila JS (flatpickr)
  • Simple search
  • Advanced search with ransack
  • Search with autocomplete (pg_search + Stimulus JS) (stage_48, later - remove)
  • Search with autocomplete for Recipes, Users, Tags (pg_search + React [stage_49 - class, stage_50+ - func] components)
  • Sort recipes by Title, Cteated, Category with ransack
  • Recently page viewed (last 3 page)
  • User status in model (:active, :disabled, :banned)
  • User online status
  • Social share button (Facebook, Google, Twitter ...) -* Facebook fixed link *-
  • Print Recipe
  • Export Recipe to PDF (gem 'grover' + puppeteer.js)
  • Weather widjet (based on JS and openweathermap.org API)
  • Inline update counter comments, favorites (AJAX)
  • Autogrow text_area input (Stimulus)
  • Words counter in create/edit form for Recipe title/description (Stimulus)
  • Personal user page (recent users Recipe, Favorite and Comments)
  • Static Page "About", "Terms", "Limits"
  • Custom static page (404/422/500)
  • Heroku
  • SEEDS (Faker)


  • Autocomplete search in add Tags (with TomSelect)
  • Sortable list of Steps
  • Auto-numbering of steps for creating a recipe.
  • Add crop function when adding recipe image or user avatar.
  • Trophy (Polymorphic Associations)
  • Doorkeeper API
  • Move 'Write a review' to Modal
  • Add Replies to comments (React or Vue JS)
  • Add video to Method Steps
  • Action Cable (replay comment, create new Recipe)
  • Notifications
  • Follow/Unfolow User
  • Chat room (cnannel)
  • RSS feed
  • Forum