

We are looking for a discord bot to render a token's image on the command of !view <tokenId> This bot should be written in Node.Js.

Please do not hard-code your API key. use process.env.DISCORD_BOT_KEY

This request has come from the community.

Hey I just had a thought. Some other servers that I'm in have a bot where you can tag a specific tokenID from the collection and it'll post it automatically in the channel. For instance using the command #6969 will trigger the bot to post an image of CFA #6969. I think it's a cool feature that enables members to quickly reference a specific CFA, and can be a nice way to inspire conversation. Thanks team

You should use Web3 to pull from the blockchain, you can use this as inspiration. https://github.com/geggleto/chainfaces-elimination/blob/master/src/store/index.js#L714-L734

Pretty much all of the blockchain code you need can be found in the leaderboard source.

How to submit

  1. Fork this repo into your own Github Account
  2. Create a new branch in your forked repo.
  3. Complete the job
  4. Open a pull-request on the main repo and target your fork and branch.
  5. Wait for the team to review
  6. Conduct any fixes we find
  7. Once it's merged, you will get the prize

What you are competing for

You will get 2 Random CFAs from our community wallet.