This tool allows individuals with an Opensea API Key to update collections metadata


  1. Opensea API Key
  2. INFURA key
  3. ERC721 Contract (or a contract with the ownerOf method)
  4. A token Id range to update (eg. 1000-1500)

How it works

The script queries the blockchain to make sure the token ID exists and then uses the OS API to force update the collection

Usage example

Chainface HD Upgrade contract, updates tokens 34638 thru 34640 node index.js 0x55b3bd7c074ccb74a245d2546273ba690647e8db 34638 34640 Chainface Undead contract, updates tokens 40000 thru 66969 node index.js 0xebb137cec779e1622150e081428e850b64862a4e 40000 66969