
Discord support bot and more..

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

dTicketX 1.1

Discord support tickets system for you server. .. and much more

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$ virtualenv ticketx
$ cd ticketx && source bin/active
$ git clone https://github.com/sectasy0/dTicketX
$ pip install -r src/REQUIREMENTS.txt

1. Create a bot app on discord developers site

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2. Copy your app token and paste to main.py

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Put your token to run.py

3. Go to the OAuth tab

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5. Set app permissions and get join link

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Configuration settings.json

    "warns": {
        "ban-warns-reach": true,
        "max-warns": 3,
        "ban-time": 10800
    "channels": {
        "support-channel-id": 000000000000000000, // Paste channel id, where the bot sends an initial message. 
        "support-category-id": 000000000000000000, // Paste support category id.
        "support-log-channeld-id": 000000000000000000 // Paste channel id where the bot will send ticket logs.
    "support-role": "ADMIN", // Name of the support role.
    "enable-channel-logger": true // if true bot send logs to support the log channel.


^load extension_name - loads extension
^unload extension_name - unloads extension
^warn @user <reson: optionally> - warn user


  • Warn system
  • Tempbans
  • More roles support
  • Channel logs
  • Log messages from ticket channel


  • Fork this repository
  • Clone this repository to your local machine
  • Hack away!
  • Create a new pull request


[1.0.0] - 22/04/2020

  • Complete main bot functionalities.

[1.1.0] - 26/04/2020

  • Add saving logs added to the channel.
  • Add saving logs added from ticket channels to file in logs.

[1.2.0] - 19/05/2020

  • Add tempbans.
  • Add warn system.
  • fix bugs.

Contact with me