
matterbot forwards mattermost messages per mail, if their contains a configurable prefix marker.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


matterbot forwards mattermost messages per mail, if their contains a configurable prefix marker.

We use it to forward messages with the @ml prefix from our mattermost instance to our mailling list.


if you run matterbot with the following forward mappings:

./matterbot ... -forward user1=user1@mail.com,user2=abc@example.com ...

and you write a message in mattermost with any of the configured marker prefixes:

@user1, @mattermost-user, @user2 we meet us at 4pm

an email to user1@mail.com and abc@example.com with the body: we meet us at 4pm are send.

Arguments / Flags

You can set the parameters per command line, or over environment variables.

flag environment description (default)
-forward FORWARD mapping from marker to receiver address
-mattermost-url MATTERMOST_URL mattermost host (
-mattermost-user MATTERMOST_USER mattermost user (matterbot@example.com)
-mattermost-pass MATTERMOST_PASS mattermost password (tobrettam)
-mail-host MAIL_HOST mail host with port (
-mail-user MAIL_USER mail user (matterbot@localhost)
-mail-pass MAIL_PASS mail password (tobrettam)
-mail-use-tls MAIL_USE_TLS use TLS instead of STARTTLS (false -> use STARTTLS)
-mail-subject MAIL_SUBJECT (mattermost: {{.User}} writes in channel {{.Channel}})
-mail-body MAIL_BODY ({{.Body}})
-quiet QUIET be quiet (false)
-verbose VERBOSE enable verbose output (false)

Run it

matterbot can run as an native application or in an docker container.

Native app

  • clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/section77/matterbot.git

  • build matterbot: go build -ldflags "-X main.version=$(git describe --tags --always)"

  • run it

./matterbot -forward user1=user1@mail.com,user2=abc@example.com \
  -mattermost-user muser \
  -mattermost-pass mpass \
  -mail-host smtp.gmail.com:465
  -mail-user my-gmail-account@gmail.com
  -mail-pass my-gmail-pass

Docker Container

You can use a prebuild container (a) or create you own container (b)

a.) Use a prebuild container from hub.docker.com

  • pull the container: docker pull jkeck/matterbot

b.) Build your own container

Note 1: this build is a multi-stage build so you need docker >= 17.05

Note 2: the build image has ~650MB

  • clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/section77/matterbot.git

  • create an container: docker build -t matterbot .

Run the container

docker run --rm \
  --env FORWARD=user1=user1@mail.com,user2=abc@example.com \
  --env MATTERMOST_URL=http://ip:port \
  --env MATTERMOST_USER=muser \
  --env MATTERMOST_PASS=mpass \
  --env MAIL_HOST=smtp.gmail.com:465 \
  --env MAIL_USER=my-gmail-account@gmail.com \
  --env MAIL_PASS=my-gmail-pass \
  --env MAIL_USE_TLS=true \
  --name matterbot \


⟩ ./matterbot -h

matterbot forwards mattermost messages per mail, if their contains a configurable prefix marker.


  To forward messages to 'user1@mail.com' and 'abc@example.com' call matterbot
  with the '-forward' flag:

    ./matterbot ... -forward user1=user1@mail.com,user2=abc@example.com ...

  If the chat-message contains any of the given prefix marker ('@user1', '@user2'),
  the message are send to the given mail address.


  -forward string
        mapping from marker to receiver mail address. example: 'user1=user1@gmail.com,user2=abc@mail.com'
  -mail-body string
        mail body (default "{{.Content}}")
  -mail-host string
        mail-server host (default "")
  -mail-pass string
        mail login pass (default "tobrettam")
  -mail-subject string
        mail subject (default "mattermost: {{.User}} writes in channel {{.Channel}}")
        use TLS instead of STARTTLS
  -mail-user string
        mail login user (default "matterbot@localhost")
  -mattermost-pass string
        mattermost password (default "tobrettam")
  -mattermost-url string
        mattermost url (default "")
  -mattermost-user string
        mattermost user (default "matterbot")
        disable logging / be quiet
  -v	show version and exit
        enable verbose / debug output