
c++ build management using scons

Primary LanguageC++

Maestri User Manual
Maestri is a build tool built on top of scons for GNU/Linux C/C++ development.
The goal of Maestri is to provide a simple, structured, easy-to-use build tool.

Some of the aspects of this build tool are :
- Enforces a simple structure on the C/C++ package which is intuitive and helps
  to organize the project cleanly
- Almost no code required to set-up a build. All that is required by the user is
  his custom module naming, dependencies
- Out of the box support for organizing, writing and building unittests
- Provides build, binary and debugger targets
- Provides targets to execute unittests
- Build artifacts are kept seperate from source files
- Variant builds are built in uniformly into the design

Structure of a Maestri package :
+ libraryModule ( 0..n )
    + unittestModule
+ binaryModule ( 0..n )

Example :
See the SamplePacakge to get a feel of the Maestri package structure and see it
in action

Setup :
add MAESTRI_HOME/maestri/scripts to local tools path

Basic Usage / Dev Cycle :
a. init maestri pkg
b. add maestri lib, write code, use c++ .h/.cpp templates
c. add maestri bin, write code
d. add unit tests in maestri pkg : use cppunit templates
e. make thru vim ( uses scons and maestri generated scons scripts )
f. run exec or unit tests