
This is sample of paramico for python. you get data from your server to use it.

Primary LanguagePython

python paramico

You want to get data from your server. you use it.

Input your information

ssh_key_location = "/your/private/key/location.pem"
server_ip = "user server ip"
username = "your user name"
password = "your password"   # If you will use private key, you don't have fill it.

input your command.

You can choice to use many or one command.

If you want to one command, you will use it.

print("Executing {$",command,"}")
stdin , stdout, stderr = con.exec_command(command)
print("===== Errors ======")

If you want to many command, you will use it.

for command in commands:
	print("Executing {$", f"{command}", "}")
	stdin , stdout, stderr = con.exec_command(command)
	print("===== Errors ======")

I will update to add connect sftp and get file to local ASAP.


http://www.paramiko.org/index.html http://docs.paramiko.org/en/latest/index.html