Personal Security Project - Basic situational awareness for a user on a Windows computer

Primary LanguageC#

Personal Security Product

Sean Pierce

As normal computer user, I've always been a little miffed that I don't have a basic awareness of who is remotely accessing/scanning/attacking my machine. So I created this program to simply notify me of the most obvious events I would want to know about.

How to Compile:

  • Right click on the project in the "Solution Explorer" and choose, "Manage NuGet Packages" and install, "Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications"
  • Right click and "Run as Admin"


  • When something attempts to remotely accessing/scanning/attacking my machine a toast notification will notify the user
  • Full details are writen to %Programdata%\PSP_Logs
  • Toast on-click event opens the xml log
  • Supported Events:
    • 4624 - Logon Success
    • 4625 - Logon Failed
    • 4697 - Service Installed
    • 1102 - Security Log Cleared
    • 4798 - Local Group Enum (a little noisy sometimes)
    • 4726 - User Deleted
    • 4720 - User Created
    • 4722 - User Enabled
    • 4732 - User Added To Group
    • 4622 - Lsass Loaded Package
    • 4614 - Notifcation Package Loaded
    • 4611 - Lsass Logon
    • 4610 - Lsass Loaded Auth Package
    • 4648 - User Logon With Creds
    • 4724 - Password Reset




How to Install

Future Feature Ideas:

  • Better logging on the reason for a crash
  • After self testing, and finding that some events are not enabled, see if I can't automatiaclly enable them (such as service installed events). Look at https://github.com/rkovar/PowerShell/blob/master/audit.bat
  • Automatic port scanning of would-be attacker machines who have attempted remote logons
  • Alert on malicious looking WinRM commands under Microsoft-Windows-WinRM/Operational (Event ID 91).
  • Create persistence so it run on logon
  • Target classic tools:
  • Build automated self tests
  • Make a 'Lock down feature' that will stop WinRM,LanMan,RDP,SSH and start listening on those ports
  • Add an evaulation phase/mode/startup
    • list all users/groups in local admin groups
    • resursively lookup domain groups and users in admin groups
    • list weird services
    • list and programs listening on any ports
    • list the services running on those ports
    • detect if "System Security Extention" is enabled
  • Automatically enable additional logging such as "(Audit) System Security Extention" to start producing events such as 4697 (Service Installed)
  • Add button to all events, "Don't show any more alerts with this information"
  • Add default actions to the Toast notifications ('Block IP', 'Start watching for new processes as that user/Service', 'scan for yara sigs', 'Check VT for Exe', 'Launch Autoruns', 'Kill Service', 'Log off user and reset password', etc.)
  • Add a better sound for the Toast Notification
  • Add icons for the Toast Notification
  • Add icons for the Toast Notification buttons - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/design/shell/tiles-and-notifications/adaptive-interactive-toasts?tabs=builder-syntax
  • Reimplement as a service
  • Reimplement as a Red Team situational awareness tool
  • subscribe to events on a remote computer: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/bb671202(v=vs.90)?redirectedfrom=MSDN
  • Send toast notications to a remote computer
  • Perhaps look at implementing good basic perodic execution rules? (Example: High Entropy file names, known malicious exe names, known malicious pipe names, or rundll32 without any arguements, etc.)
  • Other periodic checks (pre-fetch files deleted)
  • Vaccine capabilitiy - launch known analysis tool file names, mutex's
  • Perhaps look at what a local sigma instance might look like?
  • Pull down public domain/ip known malicious ip's/domains
  • Leverage intel from https://strontic.github.io/xcyclopedia/

In next re-write:

  • Make gathering admin's a periodic background task (Right now it can be REALLY SLOW)
  • Make real User & Group Objects
  • Make better rule logic flow (instead of messy if statements before every toast notification)


Icon from: https://icon-icons.com/download/127074/ICO/512/