
A golang errors package

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This package provides a suite of tools meant to work with Go 1.13 error wrapping and Go 1.20 multierrors. These helpers allow users to rely on standard Go error patterns while they include some "missing pieces" or additional features that are useful in practice.

Another errors package? Why does Go need all of these error libraries?

Because the language and the standard library have a minimal approach to error handling that leaves out some primitives power users expect to have on hand.

Important among these primitives are stack traces, explicit error collection types (multierrors and error groups) and error context management.

While Go 1.13 introduced error wrapping utilities and Go 1.20 added a minimal multierror collection, it is really useful to have a few more tools on hand.


This package may not be used in environments:

  1.   running Go 1.19 or lower;
  2.   running on 32-bit architecture;
  3.   running on Windows (currently not supported).

Add the following to your file:

import "github.com/secureworks/errors"

Then, when you run any Go command the toolchain will resolve and fetch the required modules automatically.

If you are using Go 1.13 to Go 1.19, you should use the previous version of this library, which has the same functionality but does not support the specific form that Go 1.20 multierrors take:

$ go get github.com/secureworks/errors@v0.1.2

Because this package re-exports the package-level functions of the standard library "errors" package, you do not need to include that package as well to get New, As, Is, Unwrap, and Join.

Note that Join is a special case: for consistency, and since our multierror is a better implementation, Join returns our implementation (which uses our formatting), not the standard library's implementation.


Documentation is available on pkg.go.dev. You may also look at the examples in the package.

The most important features are listed below.

Package github.com/secureworks/errors:

  • use in place of the standard library with no change in behavior;
  • use the errors.MultiError type as either an explicit multierror implementation or as an implicit multierror passed around with the default error interface; use errors.Join, errors.Append and others to simplify multierror management in your code;
  • embed (singular) stack frames with errors.NewWithFrame("..."), errors.WithFrame(err), and fmt.Errorf("...: %w", err);
  • embed stack traces with errors.NewWithStackTrace("...") and errors.WithStackTrace(err);
  • remove error context with errors.Mask(err), errors.Opaque(err), and errors.WithMessage(err, "...");
  • marshal and unmarshal stack traces as text or JSON.

Package github.com/secureworks/errors/syncerr:

  • use syncerr.CoordinatedGroup to run a group of go routines (in parallel or in series) and synchronize the controlling process on their completion; in essence do exactly what is done in golang.org/x/sync/errgroup;
  • use syncerr.ParallelGroup to run a group of go routines in parallel and coalesce their results into a single multierror.


Possible improvements before reaching v1.0 include:

  • Add support for Windows filepaths in call frames.
  • Include either a linter or a suggested golang-ci lint YAML to support idiomatic use.


This library is distributed under the Apache-2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.


This package has no dependencies, but is modeled on other, similar open source libraries. See the codebase for any specific attributions.