
The official writeup for The Midsummer Corp Hack

The Midsummer Corp Hack

Oh, my dear child, the fern flower is indeed a wondrous thing. It is said to be a rare and magical plant that blooms only once a year and only for a brief moment at that. Its beauty is unparalleled, with delicate petals that shimmer and glow in the moonlight.

Room info

Name: The Midsummer Corp Hack

Authors: SecuRing | WebsiteFacebookLinkedInTwitter

Summary: In this CTF based around NextCloud server our goal is to stop the Midsummer Corp before they get their hands on the mystical fern flower, bringing the end to the world as we know it. You need to infiltrate the company, gather all the clues you can about the flower and find it before they will. Can you complete the hack before it's too late?


This writeup has been prepared by Spookyless. Thanks a lot!