Some of the questions which i was asked when i was giving interviews for Application/Product Security roles. I am sure this is not an exhaustive list but i felt these questions were important to be asked and some were challenging to answer
- AA-2020743
- acumenix
- adityatelangeMumbai, India
- AkshayJainG
- alaeddinebenhassiralgeria
- apurvsinghgautamCyble
- CaptainMcCrank
- chaoscalm
- CheckYourScreenDelhi, India
- emilva@schibsted @finn-no
- frogsfindbugs
- fyoorer
- GuillrmoBarcelona, Spain
- hackersden09Payatu
- hashierVisa
- hcs0Remote, Europe
- humbleladpwd
- ihebhamad514Tunisia
- JustAnotherPenTester
- kouKatsumi@zero-plus-x
- lifa123china
- micxer@allianz
- myuganPractical DevSecOps
- naveen21a
- NikhilDhyaniIndia
- nikosvaggalis
- oxdef@woltapp
- richardsonjf
- rkhal101Ottawa, ON.
- shadrak98Frappe
- smodnix
- stevespringett@ServiceNow
- TaiusUnited Kingdom
- y-mehta@postmanlabs
- yuvaraj0x1a