
Tool for automatic cluster testing with apache spark.


You should have kafka set up with topic containing data for test.


notable properties that should be set:

  • kafka.consumer.zookeeper.url - input kafka zookeeper url
  • kafka.consumer.topic - mutual prefix of input topics (i.e. input if you have topics input-4part and input-5part, they do not need to have different amount of partitions but they need to have suffix 5part if used for 5 computers etc.)
  • kafka.producer.topic - where test output goes
  • kafka.producer.resultsTopic - where test results will be available (topic gets cleared if you run tests again)
  • kafka.producer.servers - output kafka url
  • spark.home - location of spark installation in test work directory on all machines, use ${WRK}/spark-bin-hadoop (WRK is set in bin/
  • spark.master - master node url, can be found in master node spark monitor
  • spark.machines - only needed if you are submitting one test only, number of all machines used in test
  • spark.testtype - only needed if you are submitting one test only, name of test to run
  • other properties are equivalent to kafka or spark properties (see their docs), but you should not need to change these


  • ALL_SERVERS[1] - url of master node, any machine on your cluster
  • ALL_SERVERS[1+] - other machines on your clusters, will be used as workers/slaves
  • KAFKA_INSTALL - location of kafka installation where you will consume test results and test data
  • KAFKA_PRODUCER - url of machine with kafka that data will be read from
  • KAFKA_CONSUMER - url of kachine with kafka that data will be produced to
  • TESTING_TOPIC - should match kafka.producer.topic
  • SERVICE_TOPIC - should match kafka.producer.resultsTopic
  • MASTERURL - should match spark.master
  • WRK - folder used for everyting on all servers (installation of spark, project...)

You should not need to change anything in the sources, unless you have different dataset. Then you may want to change TEST_DATA_RECORDS_SIZE (total number of records in dataset) or FILTER_TEST_IP (IP address used in filter test) variables.


to run a set of tests on topics with data

  1. In bin/ set the desired batch sizes, test types and amount of computers to test (+repetitions)
  2. Execute bin/, results will be in SERVICE_TOPIC



runs all tests 2 times on 5 machines first, followed by all tests 2 times on 4 machines

to run single test

  1. Set producer and consumer topic names in pom.xml testbed profile
  2. (Optional) Execute bin/
  3. Execute bin/ to prepare (download and unpack) spark on every machine
  4. Execute bin/ to run spark in cluster mode, web-based user interface to monitor the cluster will be running at (master node) and (slaves)
  5. Execute bin/ to archive, copy, unpack and build at, app will then start automatically, ready to receive json from kafka


Tool is able to export basic statistics in CSV format into specified Kafka topic.

setup of reports exporting

  • kafka.producer.statisticsTopic - Kafka topic where statistics results are exported
  • kafka.producer.statisticsFormat - format of reports; for now, only CSV available, other values print Java toString values

how to run reports exporting

Run a single test with Statistics filled as the test type name.