
A collection of Google search operators and techniques for search queries.


Google Dorking (or Google hacking) involves using advanced search operators to find specific information on the web. Below is a comprehensive list of Google search operators formatted in a table for easy reference.

Google Dorking Commands

Operator Description Example
site: Searches within a specific website or domain. site:example.com
intitle: Searches for pages with a specific word in the title. intitle:"login"
inurl: Searches for URLs containing a specific word. inurl:admin
intext: Searches for pages containing specific text. intext:"confidential"
filetype: Searches for specific file types. filetype:pdf "report"
cache: Shows the cached version of a page. cache:example.com
link: Finds pages that link to a specific URL. link:example.com
related: Finds websites related to a specified URL. related:example.com
allintext: Searches for pages containing all the specified words in the text. allintext:"confidential report"
allintitle: Searches for pages containing all the specified words in the title. allintitle:"login page"
allinurl: Searches for pages with all the specified words in the URL. allinurl:admin login
allinanchor: Searches for pages containing all the specified words in the anchor text of links. allinanchor:"download now"
" " Searches for an exact match of the phrase within quotes. "password reset"
* Acts as a wildcard to represent any word or phrase. "login * password"
OR Searches for pages containing either of the specified words. site:example.com "login" OR "admin"
- Excludes pages containing the specified word. site:example.com -admin
+ Ensures that a specific word is included in the search results. site:example.com +secure
.. Searches for a range of numbers. filetype:pdf 2000..2024
info: Provides information about a specific URL. info:example.com
define: Provides definitions of a word or phrase. define:cryptography
weather: Shows the weather forecast for a specific location. weather:New York
map: Shows a map of a specific location. map:Paris
stocks: Provides stock market information for a specific ticker symbol. stocks:AAPL