
Holds Renovate presets targeted at Backstage repos

MIT LicenseMIT


Holds Renovate presets targeted at Backstage repos


Be aware that this requires significant trust in the owner of this repository as it always the case for external Renovate presets! This is as it can introduce changes without your input in case you are not requiring approval for PRs or allow merging changes in without PRs. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!


This repository contains a set of Renovate presets that can be used to configure Renovate for Backstage repositories.

To use these presets, you need to add a renovate.json file to your repository that looks like this:

  "extends": [

The above config will use the default preset.

If you want to use different presets, you can specify them like this:

  "extends": [

The above config will use the self-hosted preset.

For more information on how to configure Renovate presets, see the Renovate documentation

Available full config presets


This preset is the default one and is meant to be used for Backstage repositories that are hosted on GitHub and makes use of features provided the hosted Mend App. It is an opinionated preset to be used for the most common use cases.


The same as default.


Requires access to postpostUpgradeTasks. This means that allowedPostUpgradeCommands is configured to allow running yarn backstage-cli versions:bump commands

Feature presets

Unsupported Framework Upgrades

Prevent upgrades to frameworks that are not supported by Backstage.

Group by plugin

Groups all PRs based on the plugin. Therefore, all updates of the catalog are grouped together including catalog, catalog-backend and so on.

Exclude ESM updates

Backstage does not support ESM at the moment. This means updates which are ESM-only will break the setup. This rule prevents updates to known ESM-only packages.

Update backstage.json

This rule will update the backstage.json file in the repository to the latest Backstage release. It is used by full config presets, but can also be used standalone.


If you want to propose a new preset or modify an existing one, you can open a PR with the changes.