Emoticon Translator



Your friend JJ just moved to Japan and loves it. However, sometimes he gets confused because his new friends text him emoticons that he doesn't recognize, like \(◎o◎)/! and ((d[-_-]b)).

He asked you to create a method that will translate these emoticons to English. He also asked you to create a method that will convert his English emoticons, like :), into their Japanese equivalents so that he can look cool in texts to his new friends from The Land of the Rising Sun.


  1. Write a method that loads the emoticons.yml file.

  2. Write a method that will take a traditional Western emoticon, like :) and translate it to its Japanese version. It will rely on the method above. Refer to the table below for translations.

  3. Write a method that takes a Japanese emoticon and returns its meaning in English. This method will also rely on the first method you wrote, the YAML file loader.

Meaning English Japanese
angel O:) ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞
angry >:( ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ
bored :O (ΘεΘ;)
confused %) (゜.゜)
embarrased :$ (#^.^#)
fish ><> >゜))))彡
glasses 8D (^0_0^)
grining =D ( ̄ー ̄)
happy :) (^v^)
kiss :* (*^3^)/~☆
sad :'( (T▽T)
surprised :o o_O
wink ;) (^_-)

What is YAML?


YAML is a recursive acronym for "YAML Ain't Markup Language". YAML is used because it is easier for humans to read and write than typing out entire arrays, hashes, etc.

Example 1

For instance, take this fruit YAML file:

# fruits.yml
- Apple
- Orange
- Strawberry
- Mango

When Ruby loads the the YAML file above, the list of fruits would become an array:

require "yaml"
fruits = YAML.load_file('fruits.yml')

# => ["Apple","Orange","Strawberry","Mango"]

Example 2

Another example could be a hash:

# government.yml
president: Barack Obama
vice president: Joe Biden
secretary of state: John Kerry
secretary of the treasury: Jacob Lew

When Ruby loads the the YAML file above, the list of position titles and names would become a hash of keys and values:

require "yaml"
gov = YAML.load_file('government.yml')

# => 
# {
#   "president" => "Barack Obama",
#   "vice president" => "Joe Biden",
#   "secretary of state" => "John Kerry",
#   "secretary of the treasury" => "Jacob Lew"
# }

Final Words about YAML

A YAML file has an extension of .yml. For more info about YAML syntax, see Ansible's docs. You can read more about YAML on the Wikipedia page.


This is a test-driven lab so just get those specs to pass! The first step will be to load the YAML file in the lib/ folder. Check out the resources below for help loading a YAML file.


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