
JSON Web Token implementation in Erlang

Primary LanguageErlang


An Erlang implementation of JSON Web Token draft 01


{ok, Jwt} = jwt:encode(Algorithm, [{name, <<"bob">>}, {age, 29}], <<"secret">>)

Additional headers may also be specified:

{ok, Jwt} = jwt:encode(Algorithm, [{name, <<"bob">>}, {age, 29}], <<"secret">>, [{jti, <<"myid">>}])

where algorithm is one of the atoms:

  • hs256
  • hs384
  • hs512

Note the resulting JWT will not be encrypted, but verifiable with a secret key:

{ok, Decoded} = jwt:decode(Jwt, <<"secret">>)

Decoded is a record defined in include/jwt.hrl, you may be interested in the body field which contains the raw decoded body.


The JWT spec supports several algorithms for cryptographic signing. This library currently supports:

  • HS256 - HMAC using SHA-256 hash algorithm
  • HS384 - HMAC using SHA-384 hash algorithm
  • HS512 - HMAC using SHA-512 hash algorithm


make tests

When changing dependencies

make rebar.config
