HotelAgent API

This is the back-end API for HotelAgent, an app in which you can reserve a hotel.

  • Sign up and sign in to access the app.
  • Add and Remove the hotel that you want to stay in.
  • Reserve how many rooms days you need.
  • Get cost information for the reservation process.
  • Cancel reservation.

The API has endpoints for users/reservations/hotels.

Read the complete documentation here.

UI Repo

Check the UI of this App here.

Built With

  • Ruby 3.1.2
  • Ruby on Rails 7.0.3
  • PostgreSQL

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

  • Click on the top right green "code" button.
  • On the dropdown menu, choose the "download with zip" button.
  • After download, extract the zip file and you have the project on your machine.
  • Make sure that your PostgreSQL server is running and that you can establish a connection with the database.
  • Execute rails db:create to create the database.
  • Execute rails db:migrate to migrate the database.
  • Execute rails db:seed to migrate the database.
  • Run rails s to run the application.


  • If you want to run some unit tests, all you need to do is:
  • On your terminal execute: gem install rspec
  • Run the rspec command in this case over the path of spec/, and the resulting command will look like this: rspec spec/.
  • If you want to run the tests over the entire project, you can execute the following command: rspec
  • you can make a documentation test by just running rake rswag:specs:swaggerize .


Live UI

Admin Account for Demo/testing: (password: 123456)

API Link

Kanban Board

In this project 3 developers have participated, connect with them in the authors section.

Check out the backend(API) kanban board:

This was the kanban board a the beginning of the project



👤 Ahmed Adel

👤 Jorge Rios

👤 Sediqullah Badakhsh

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page.

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Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.