This is the final project of JAVASCRIPT AND NETWORKING module assign by Microverse. It is a peer-prgramming prject, which is completed by two microverse student.
In this project we used two API's 1- MealsDB and 2- Involvement API
- MealsDB for fetching all Item's (recipes) inluding all details.
- Involvement API for saving and retriving Comments and likes count.
Below you can see how this website should look and behave:
$ git clone
$ cd JS-group-capstone
$ npm install
$ npm run start # this will make webpack watching for your changes in code
$ open dist/index.html
- JavaScript
- webpack
- Using APIs
- Jest
👤 Sediqullah Badakhsh 👤 Nizamuddin Ahmadzai
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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