Simple Docker config to try Indico out.
ATTENTION: DO NOT use this in production as it is. There are important things missing, such as HTTPS support.
$ docker-compose up
$ oc create configmap settings --from-literal=baseurl=<base_url> --from-literal=pgdatabase=<db_name>
--from-literal=pghost=<db_host> --from-literal=pguser=<db_user> --from-literal=pgport=<db_port>
--from-literal=pgpassword=<db_password> --from-literal=sentrydsn=<sentrydsn> --from-literal=secretkey=<secretkey>
--from-literal=storage=<storage> --from-literal=attachmentstorage=<attachment_storage>
$ cd openshift/
$ ./
In case you want to run the postgres container instead of DBoD (DataBase On Demand), keep in mind to set the pghost
literal as indico-postgres
and the rest of literals accordingly:
$ oc create configmap settings --from-literal=baseurl=<base_url> --from-literal=pgdatabase=indico
--from-literal=pghost=indico-postgres --from-literal=pguser=indico --from-literal=pgport=5432
--from-literal=pgpassword=indicopass --from-literal=sentrydsn=<sentrydsn> --from-literal=secretkey=<secretkey>
--from-literal=storage=<storage> --from-literal=attachmentstorage=<attachment_storage>
If you want to use EOS storage you need to:
- add path to EOS in storage dict (settings configmap), for example:
{'eos' : 'fs:/eos/path/to/folder'}
- set attachment storage to one of the defined storages, for example "eos"