
A simple tool to manage and store work pieces

Primary LanguageC#

Werkbank 3


Werkbank (German word for workbench): A simple tool to manage and store work pieces.


I have created hundreds of digital Werke (German word for work pieces) over the last two decades. Most of which are images, videos, music and software. These work pieces need to be organized.

  • To keep it all nice and tidy, a folder structure must be enforced for all my work pieces.
  • To not be slowed down while working, the current work pieces need to be on my fastest hard drive.
  • To be able to work from different machines, the current work pieces also need to be synchronized.
  • To not bloat my fastest drive, currently idle work pieces can be moved to a slower drive.
  • To not bloat any of my drives, old work pieces should be archived (and preferably compressed).


The solution to all these requirements is the three layer model of Werkbank: The hot directory contains all the projects I am currently working on. It is placed on my fastest drive and also part of my dropbox. The cold directory contains all the idle projects. It is placed on a hard drive with a lot of space. The archive is a large offline drive that I plug in whenever I need to. Werkbank allows me to move Werke across those directories without a hassle.

Werk Lifecycle

werk lifecycle


Each werk has to be placed into an environment. Environments are subfolders within the state (hot, cold, archived) folders. Environments allow to configure ignore lists, so not all folders of a werk are kept when moving it to a different state folder. For the environment JavaScript the list will most likely contain the entry node_modules.

Additionaly environments allow to preset werk configurations. I want my video files to not be compressed into a zip when moved to the archive, as it would take too much time. Therefor I preset the compress on archive flag for video work pieces to false.


This is actually the third version of this software, going from a C# implementation that was done quick and dirty, an electron implementation that was far too much work to get running reliably, to this, another C# implementation with an additional focus on tests.


Currently operation ignore lists only apply to the copy operation, as it was not needed yet for any other operation. Be aware of that when using ignore lists to program transitions.

User Interface

User Interface


Optional ToDos

  • Integrate GitHub Api to automatically create repositories for new werke
  • Add automatic backup trigger
  • Updater
  • GitHub CI/CD for releases and tests
  • Implement ignore list for all operations



Core functionality should be ensured through a test. Tests are run for each commit through a GitHub workflow.


Do not change the assembly and file versions of the project manually. The configured GitHub workflow that is triggered von git version tags (vX.X.X) replaces the default assembly version with the tags value. Therefor, tags should always contain four segment versions.