
A few python classes to parse through galfit output fits files to retrieve fit information

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Galfit Python Parser

A few python classes to parse through galfit output fits files to retrieve fit information. This code relies on AstroPy for fits io.

Feel free to issue pull requests or issues if there are more features you'd like to see. Also feel free to email me.

The code contains two classes, GalfitResult and GalfitComponent. The input to GalfitResult is a string that is the name of the Galfit output file you'd like to open. The class then opens the file, and each component of the Galfit result is stored in a GalfitComponent object. The attributes of the GalfitComponent class are the same names as the Galfit keywords in the fits header. The input into Galfit is saved in GalfitComponent object as attributes that start with "input_".

For example, let's say you have the output fits file from galfit called 42_output.fits. The software knows to look into the third fits HDU for the information; the software also checks a few things to verify that the file its opening is a Galfit output file. To get the Galfit results, use galfitres = galfit_parser.GalfitResult("42_output.fits"). galfitres is a GalfitResult object which contains one or more GalfitComponent objects, as well as information about the inputs. To access component 1, for example, use galfitres.COMP_1. The attributes for galfitres.COMP_1 are named using the same string, lowercase, as in the fits header. You can also see all the attributes of the object using dir(galfitres) or dir(galfitres.COMP_1). For example, to access the effective radius, use galfitres.component_1.re, and the uncertainity is galfitres.component_1.re_err.