Bug reproduction: elasticmq send/receive in batches

I really hope that it's just me doing something in a wrong way.


The code inside creates 2 queues - the main one and the DLQ. The target is either an embedded elasticmq instance or AWS SQS. Then, it generates and sends messages of 2 types to the main queue in batches. There is a background thread that polls the queue, splits the events by type and either deletes events in batches or changes their visibility timeout (sets 1 hour).

Then, after all generated events are sent, the code starts to wait until all sent events are received by the polling thread and processed - either deleted or changed.


With enough iterations of the scenario above, the execution fails because some expected messages are missing in the queue. It can also be seen with enabled debug logging. The number of org.elasticmq.actor.queue.QueueActor [] - my-queue: Sent message with id ... and org.elasticmq.actor.queue.QueueActor [] - my-queue: Receiving message log messages in the same test iteration don't match.

I tried running the same code with SQS, and didn't notice message loss.


To start the test with the embedded elasticmq server run the following command:

./gradlew run

It runs with default params:

  • --mode elasticmq
  • --iterations 100
  • --de 100 number of generated events to delete
  • --re 150 number of generated events to change the visibility timeout
  • --await-duration '15 seconds' amount of time to wait for all expected events in each test iteration

To alter the parameters, use the --args="..." gradle parameter:

./gradlew run --args="--iterations 50 --de 200"

It is possible to run the same code with SQS. To make it happen, you need to authenticate in AWS firstly. Then, when you have valid credentials data in your ./aws/credentials, you may run the test by specifying the aws profile name:

./gradlew run --args="--mode sqs --aws-profile my-profile --aws-region EU_WEST_1"

To run the test with the debug level enabled add --debug to the arguments.