
🔖 Clone Chrome Bookmarks. 🚀 Vue 3, VueX app with typescript and GNEWS API as backend

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Vue 3, Vuex Typescript Bookmarks


This is just testing task for one company. By task we need to use this template, but it is deprecated, and I decided to use vue-cli.

Main page screenshot

This App reproduces the work ot the standard feature of the Chrome browser: chrome://bookmarks/. For imitate working with the backend I am using GNEWS API - you need get an API token to run app locally.

Demo: see in production

What we use

Vue cli presets

[Vue cli preset]

  • Vue 3

  • Typescript

  • Router

  • Vuex

  • Airbnb Linter

  • Client API (GNEWS)

  • SCSS

  • Fontawesome

  • Directives


  • In the App we can add, delete and change our bookmarks
  • Bookmarks is sortable
  • We call the API when user scroll down the page (only one time because free subscription plan on the GNEWS API can't get access to page parameter in the request)

[Structure of the project]

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.