
Zend Framework 2 module to support simple caching of service methods.

Primary LanguagePHP


Version 0.1

This module allows you simple caching of your service methods.

The main idea was to create a caching module, which can be connected to a project without changing code. All you need to do is ajust your config.


For the installation uses composer composer.

php composer.phar require  sedpro/cachedecorator:dev-master

Add this project in your composer.json:

"require": { "sedpro/cachedecorator": "dev-master" }

Post Installation


  • Add the module of config/application.config.php under the array modules, insert Cachedecorator

  • Remove services, you want to cache, from getServiceConfig function in file Module.php

  • In your config/autoload/global.php file add two values:

      'caches' => [
          \Cachedecorator\Module::STORAGE => [
              'adapter' => [
                  'name' => 'memcached',
              'options' => [
                  'ttl' => 3600,
                  'servers' => [
                      'node0' => [
                          'host' => '',
                          'port' => 11211,
                  'namespace' => 'some_ns:',
      \Cachedecorator\Module::METHODS => [
          'Application\Service\Example' => [

'caches' contains all caches you use in project. They will be instantiate in abstact factory Zend\Cache\Service\StorageCacheAbstractServiceFactory which is called in vendor/sedpro/cachedecorator/config/module.config.php. If you are already using this factory, there will be no conflict.

'\Cachedecorator\Module::STORAGE' is cache storage adapter, used to store the output of your services.

'\Cachedecorator\Module::METHODS' is list of services you want to cache. Cached will be only listed functions.


If you use the configuration, showed above, method getItems of class Application\Service\Example will be cached. You can use it as usual:

  $exampleService = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Application\Service\Example');
  $items = $exampleService->getItems(); // cached
  $values = $exampleService->getValues(); // not cached