A console translation script for https://dict.leo.org
is a python script that queries dict.leo.org
for one or more given keywords
and prints their meanings and translations to stdout
pipx install leocli
poetry install
poetry shell
leo --help
usage: leo [-h] [-l lang] [-e] [--pager pagercmd] [--version] word [word ...]
leocli - a console translation script for https://dict.leo.org/ .
positional arguments:
word the words you want to translate
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l lang, --lang lang the languagecode to translate to or from en, fr, es,
it, ch, ru, pt, pl
-e, --emojis Use emoji language flags for languages. Your terminal
font must support this feature.
--pager pagercmd The pager command to use. Default: 'less -R -I -S -X'.
Use `--pager=` to disable the pager.
--version show program's version number and exit