
Dev10 Assessment: M07

by Chike Okonta


Designed using 💾 MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE 💻 Intellij IDEA 🖥️ Visual Studio Code



Field Agent

+ A field agent is an agent who works in the field as opposed to one who operates at the office or headquarters. 
+ Field agents can work alone or in a group but they typically have a case officer who is in charge.
+ Field agents can be undercover, and travel using fake passports that may be under the name of a front organization or shell corporation.

High Level Requirements

  • Create full HTTP CRUD for security clearance.
  • Create full HTTP CRUD for agent aliases.
  • Implement global error handling.


Use MySQL workbench 8.0 CE to run queries on the following files

  • field-agent-schema-prod.sql
  • field-agent-schema-test.sql

Use Visual Studio code to send HTTP requests using the file below

  • demoScript.http

To launch server

  • compile the program -->javac
  • launch the program --> java App

Code Sequence Steps:

Along with contents already available in the field Agent Project folder, the following solutions will be implemented as well

  • Step 1: Set up database

    • Update
    • handshake with MySql running on docker container
  • Step 2: Security Clearance

    Domain Layer
    • FindAll
    • FindById
    • add
    • Update
    • Delete
    • Validate
    Domain layer Tests
    • Set up spring-boot- starter-test: Mockito
    • Test all: Domain layer methods for postive cases
    • Test all: Domain layer methods for negative cases
    • SecurityClearance
    Jdbc Template Repository
    • FindAll
    • FindById
    • add
    • Update
    • Delete
    Jdbc Template layer Tests
    • Set up spring-boot- starter-test: Mockito
    • Test all: Domain layer methods for postive cases
    • Test all: Domain layer methods for negative cases
  • Step 3: Aliases

     Domain Layer
    • FindById
    • add
    • Update
    • Delete
    • Validate
    Domain layer Tests
    • Set up spring-boot- starter-test: Mockito
    • Test all: Domain layer methods for postive cases
    • Test all: Domain layer methods for negative cases
    • Aliases
    Jdbc Template Repository
    • AliasesMapper (Class in Mapper package)
    • FindById
    • add
    • Update
    • Delete
    Jdbc Template layer Tests
    • Set up spring-boot- starter-test: Mockito
    • Test all: Domain layer methods for postive cases
    • Test all: Domain layer methods for negative cases
- currently under research: Step 4 and 5
  • Step 4: Global exception Handling
    • include controller advice, CORS, and profile
    • Illegal arguement exception and response
    • Nullpointer exception and response
    • DataAccess exception and response
  • Step 5: HTTP Client
    • Launch spring on terminal
    • Send requests to test added contents in API

Entity Relations Chart

+ Click to view UML chart in full page


Example of Sequence Chart

- Click image below to expand

mn b n

Figure 3

Project Management

+ Use link below to go to project board

Link to Public Trello Board: MO7 Mastery Project

Time Tracker

4.30.2021 Step 1: Research 2 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Completed
4.30.2021 Step 1: Planning and diagrams 4 12:00 PM 4:00 PM Completed
4.30.2021 Step 1: Set up 0.5 6:00 PM 6:30 PM Completed
4.30.2021 Step 3: Aliases Models 0.5 6:30 PM 6:35 PM Completed
4.30.2021 Step 4: Create Global exception handling 0.5 _ _ Not Started
4.30.2021 Step 5: Create HTTP Client 0.5 _ _ Completed
5.01.2021 Step 2: Security Clearance Domain layer implementation 2 6:00 PM _ Completed
5.01.2021 Step 2: Security Clearance Domain layer Tests 1 _ _ Not Started
5.01.2021 Step 2: Security Clearance Jdbc template repository implementation 2 4:00 PM _ In progress
5.01.2021 Step 2: Security Clearance Jdbc template repository tests 1 _ _ Not Started
5.01.2021 Step 3: Aliases Domain layer implementation 2 _ _ Not Started
5.01.2021 Step 3: Aliases Domain layer Tests 2 _ _ Not Started
5.01.2021 Step 3: Aliases Jdbc template repository implementation 2 _ _ Not Started
5.01.2021 Step 3: Aliases Jdbc template repository tests 2 _ _ Not Started
5.01.2021 Step 4: Update Global exception handling 0.5 _ _ Not Started
5.01.2021 Step 5: Update HTTP Client 0.5 _ _ Not Started
5.02.2021 Stretch Goal #1 4 _ _ Not Started
5.02.2021 Stretch Goal #2 4 _ _ Not Started
5.02.2021 Bugs and Errors: find and fix #1 1 _ _ Not Started

Table 1


Stretch goals

  • Implement full HTTP CRUD for mission.
  • Implement full HTTP CRUD for the mission/agent many-to-many relationship.

Data Information

Security clearance ID int
name varchar
alias ID int
persona varchar
agent ID Int

Table 2