
A living document of useful slack workspaces


A living document of useful slack workspaces


Topics in these workspaces include topics such as staff engineering, managing engineers, organizational strategies, architecture, latest tech trends and more.

Rands Leadership Slack

Rands covers various engineering and engineering leadership topics from org structures to architectural strategies.

How to join: https://randsinrepose.com/welcome-to-rands-leadership-slack/

Engineering Managers

A safe, confidential space for engineering managers new to the role to chat and support each other.

How to join: https://engmanagers.github.io/

LeadDev Slack

Similar to rands, this channel covers various engineering and engineering leadership topics. This is also the central slack for LeadDev comms for conferences.

How to join: https://lead-dev-slack.herokuapp.com/


Topics in these workspaces include transitioning into product management, openings, useful product tools, and AMAs.

Mind the Product

Mind the Product is the largest international community of product managers. Today, Mind the Product has over 150,000 members and hosts meetups in 175+ cities around the globe.

How to join: http://slack.mindtheproduct.com/

The Product School

The admins host weekly AMA sessions where you get the chance to pick the brains of PM thought leaders from Google, Amazon, Facebook, Netflix, and more.

How to join: https://productschool.com/slack-community/

The Product Coalition

The team behind the Product Coalition runs a Slack community that now has over 5,000 members.

How to join: https://members.productcoalition.com/pages/memberships (costs $10/year)

The Product Hive

This group has 5.7k members and has a number of very active channels, covering everything from tools and promotions, to jobs and design review requests, which means there are real opportunities to get involved and contribute to the discussion.

How to join: https://product-hive-slack.herokuapp.com/


OWASP topics, latest cybersecurity news, and more.

OWASP Slack Channel

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is the largest community of individuals aiming to improve web application security.

How to join: https://owasp.slack.com/signup#/

TrustedSec Slack

Founded by David Kennedy of hacking fame — information security consulting company, TrustedSec runs their own public community for security enthusiasts.

How to join: https://trustedsec.slack.com/join/shared_invite/zt-d0l7ri4w-656ptyw_ru7VcJ9pmPwaKQ#/shared-invite/email


This site is pretty solid so I'm not going to reinvent the wheel: https://www.designerslack.community/