Docker Laravel Advanced

This is a simple docker setup. It is ready to get used for Laravel projects.
It is mainly taken from this article: Set up Laravel Project With Docker by Gerry Sabar.


git clone project-name
cd ./project-name

# Remove version control
rm -fr ./.git

# If not already available, get laravel installer
composer global require laravel/installer

# Create new Laravel project
laravel new src

After this you should have all required Laravel files within the src folder.
There you would also find the .env file where you should make sure that the settings
for the database match what is added in the docker-compose.yml at the db service.

# Build the containers
docker-compose build
# Run the containers
docker-compose up -d

If everything is up and running you should be able to see the Laravel project at


docker laravel dev is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE file for details.