
A curated list of awesome things related to Seed

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Awesome Seed RS Awesome

A curated list of awesome things related to Seed

Seed is an open-source Rust framework for creating fast and reliable web apps running in WebAssembly.

Contributions welcome. Add links through pull requests or create an issue to start a discussion.


Official Resources




  • Trunk - WASM web application bundler for Rust.
  • Web Bundler - Bundles a Seed SPA for publishing.
  • Seeder - Set up Seed app and start dev server by running one command.


Projects Using Seed

  • AdEx Explorer - Shows curated information about the payment channel network of the AdEx advertising protocol.
  • Kavik.cz - Open-source personal website.
  • benxu.dev/blog - A relatively simple open source personal blog. Built on Seed, maud, Rocket, and Diesel.
  • seed-rs.org - Seed's official website.
  • WeightRS - Minimalistic and privacy friendly progressive web app for tracking your weight.
  • Music composer - A basic music composition app.
  • Play Seed - Website about Play Seed, playground to demo Seed apps.
  • Typesync - Test your typing speed on song lyrics. Uses Seed, Rocket, and Diesel.
  • CalcuPi - A beautiful Monte Carlo simulation for approximating the value of pi.
  • Love Letter Tracker - A knowledge tracker for the card game Love Letter.
  • Whatlang.org - An interactive demo for whatlang (language recognition library).
  • Pslink - An URL-shortener page focused on use in publications (demo (user, password: demo)). Uses Seed, actix-web, and sqlx.



Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.