
Animation for insert, delete and move item.

Primary LanguageSwift

Insert and Delete Animation

Animating insert/delete/move item in UICollectionView

After I create UIView refactor/destruct extension, I think here is a good scene. Thanks for Animating Collection Views, I get a lot of help from this article.

Installation and Usage

Drag Folder "FileToImport" with SDEFlowLayoutWithAnimation.swift and UIViewRefactorAndDestructExtension.swift into your project.

Set UICollectionView's collectionViewLayout to SDEFlowLayoutWithAnimation in your storyboard or in your code.

Insert Animation:

In CollectionView's delegate, override the follow method, assume that animationLayout is collectionView's layout.

override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, willDisplayCell cell: UICollectionViewCell, forItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
    if animationLayout != nil{
        let filteredItems = animationLayout!.insertedItemsToAnimate.filter({
            element in
            return element.section == indexPath.section && element.item == indexPath.item
        if filteredItems.count > 0{

Delete Animation:

......//update the data source.
let deletedIndexPath = ...
let deletedCell = self.collectionView?.cellForItemAtIndexPath(deletedIndexPath)
let animationTime: NSTimeInterval = 0.5
self.collectionView?.performSelector("deleteItemsAtIndexPaths:", withObject: [deletedIndexPath], afterDelay: animationTime)

Move Animation:

Move Animation

Just move, the rest work is done automatically. If you don't like this animation, I like default animation actually, go to SDEFlowLayoutWithAnimation.swift and delete the relative code, there are comments to tell you how do it.


Insert animation is interrupted always. It should be like this:

Fix Insert Animation Issue

Move animation have the same problem. I don't known why. I guess because of layout animation behind it. I try to use Core Animation instead of UIView block animation. It works. But when you insert several cells, it's also interrupted, at last, animation is totally removed. I try to put refactor method in main queue, it works fine also. But it bring a little trouble: before refactor animation, cells behind it shake, I don't want this. There is no prefect way for now. If you find the way, please pull a request or email me, seedante@gmail.com.

Multiple Cells Action

In the sample, I just test for single cell action, test for multiple cells action is not completed. There may be something wrong for multiple cells action.


  • Swift 2.2
  • iOS 8.0+

UICollectionView 插入/删除/移动项目动画

在 UIView refacot/destruct 动画扩展完成之后,我想这个场景是比较合适的。感谢 Collection View 动画,我最初的想法是从这篇文章得到的,虽然我这里的手法其实和文章里的不同,但帮助我解决了一半问题。


把 FileToImport 文件夹(SDEFlowLayoutWithAnimation.swiftUIViewRefactorAndDestructExtension.swift)拖进你的项目里就好了。

设置collectionViewLayout: 在你的 storyboard 里或代码里设置都行。不会的话,示例工程里是通过代码设置的,还不会不要问我,先去学习吧。

Insert Animaton:

在 CollectionView 的代理里,重写下面的方法,假设animationLayout是这个 CollectionView 的 layout:

override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, willDisplayCell cell: UICollectionViewCell, forItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
    if animationLayout != nil{
        let filteredItems = animationLayout!.insertedItemsToAnimate.filter({
            element in
            return element.section == indexPath.section && element.item == indexPath.item
        if filteredItems.count > 0{

Delete Animation:

当 cell 不在屏幕上的时候就没必要执行删除动画了,示例里是这么写的。

let deletedIndexPath = ...
let deletedCell = self.collectionView?.cellForItemAtIndexPath(deletedIndexPath)
let animationTime: NSTimeInterval = 0.5
self.collectionView?.performSelector("deleteItemsAtIndexPaths:", withObject: [deletedIndexPath], afterDelay: animationTime)

Move Animation:

移动就好了,剩下的事情会自动完成。如果你不喜欢这个效果,实际上我更喜欢默认的效果,你可以去 SDEFlowLayoutWithAnimation.swift 里删除相关代码,我写了注释告诉你删除哪些代码。


目前的插入动画有点问题,这个动画总是被打断,没有按照预期的方式完成,移动动画也有相同的问题。我不知道为什么,猜测是由于后续的布局动画造成的。本来是用 UIView block animation 实现的,我尝试用 Core Animation 来实现,不会被打断,但是在添加几个 cell 后发现,动画也开始被打断,到最后动画根本就不会出现。我后来意识到是不是没有放在主线程里,尝试后发现再也不会被打断了,但是也带来一点点副作用,在重组动画开始前,后面位置的 cells 会晃动,我不是我想要的,当然主要是因为晃动的样子像卡壳了,目前没找到完美的解决办法。如果你找到了方法,麻烦提个请求,或者来介绍这个动画的博客下留言。

多 cell 操作

示例里我只针对单个 cell 进行了测试,多个 cells 的操作的测试并不完整,只稍微测试了删除多个 cell,目前工作正常。还有涉及 section 操作时没有测试。如果有这方面的需求,自己尝试下吧。


  • Swift 2.2
  • iOS 8.0+