
A alternative for move/disappear animation for UIView.

Primary LanguageSwift

Move Animation:

Move And Refactor

All Actions Animation:

All Actions

UIView Extension for Refactor and Destruct Animation

A alternative for move animation and disappear animation. At the begining, I just want to create a image display animation after download it; after it's finished, I find it's not good for the scene, now this. There are many things you can do with the algorithm of adjusting view pieces.

I use it in UICollectionView insert/delete/move item, here is the repo.


Both refactor animation and destruct animation support:

  1. Three directions: Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal(from top left to bottom right).
  2. Custom animation time: a little weird. Is there any animation not support this?
  3. Custom piece size: set ratio relative to source view, use to width and height both.

Only refactor animation support:

  1. Custom shining color: if nil, no shining effect.
  2. Custom the area where all pieces appear: if nil, pieces all appear from 2X frame of view.


Not support Auto Layout directly.

###Installation and Usage

Drag UIViewRefactorAndDestructExtension.swift file into your project.

Refactor API:

func refactor()
 Refactoring a view in place use default parameter value.

func refactorWithNewFrame(destinationFrame: CGRect?, piecesRegion jumpRect: CGRect?, shiningColor: UIColor?, direction: SDERefactorDirection = .Horizontal, refactorTime animationTime: NSTimeInterval = 0.6, pieceRatio ratio: CGFloat = 0.04, enableBigRegion: Bool = false)
 - parameter destinationFrame: the frame you want to change to. If you not specify this parameter, it will refactor self. I recommend that you change this from CGRect? to CGRect when you use.
 - parameter jumpRect:        the area where all pieces appear, if nil, is 2X frame of the view.
 - parameter shiningColor:    if you specify this parameter, add light like electric welding.
 - parameter direction:       the direction of animation
 - parameter animationTime:   the total time of animation
 - parameter ratio:           the ratio which piece to view, here the ratio is used on width and height both.
 - parameter enableBigRegion: you will get 2X or 4X size of general piece if you enable it. I love this, and it can reduce the time of animation. I recommend just enable it if the view is big enough.

Thanks to default parameter values in swift, you can get a refactor animation and just need to specify three parameter at most. You can ignore any default value parameter and don't need to keep them in old order.

theView.refactorWithNewFrame(nil, piecesRegion: nil, shiningColor: nil)
theView.refactorWithNewFrame(newFrame, piecesRegion: nil, shiningColor: nil, refactorTime: 1.0, enableBigRegion:false, partionRatio: 0.02)

Destruct API:

Similar to refactor API. Only three parameters to custom.

func destruct()
 Add a destruct animation on with default paprameter values and remove it from its superview.

func destructWithDirection(direction: SDERefactorDirection = .Diagonal, animationTime: NSTimeInterval = 0.5, pieceRatio ratio: CGFloat = 0.05)
 Add a destruct animation on view and remove it from its superview.
 - parameter direction:     animation direction
 - parameter animationTime: animation time
 - parameter ratio:         piece ratio to view. It apply to width and height both.


theView.destructWithDirection(.Diagonal, animationTime: 0.5, partionRatio: 0.05)
theView.destructWithDirection(.Diagonal,partionRatio: 0.02)

Note: In destruct, the view is removed from its superview, if you don't want this, remember modify the code in the windUp: method.

UIView 扩展:重组和分解动画


UICollectionView 里新添加 cell 时非常适合使用重组动画,后来为了删除动画在又添加了分解动画,介绍博客在这里repo 在这里。 ###特性: 重组和分解动画都支持:

  1. 三种方向:水平,垂直,对角线(从左上角到右下角)。
  2. 自定义动画时间:好像没哪个动画不支持的吧。
  3. 自定义碎片大小:通过设定 ratio 参数来指定碎片相对于源视图的比例。长宽比一样,你可以自己改动。


  1. 自定义闪光颜色: 如果没有指定,就没有五毛闪光特效。
  2. 自定义碎片出现的区域:没有指定的话,默认碎片在当前位置的两倍大小区域内出现。

###缺陷: 重组动画不支持 Auto Layout,直接设置 frame 会出现动画完成后回到原地的情况,毕竟直接设置 frame 和 Auto Layout 是有冲突的。


直接把UIViewRefactorAndDestructExtension.swift文件丢进你的项目里,这样所有的 UIView 类都可以使用重组和分解动画了。参数的名字基本是我自己的口味,有些可能不明白,可以去源码里看看注释。函数原型说明我就不重复了。

Refactor API:

得益于 Swift 带来的默认值参数特性,你可以至多指定三个参数就可以使用重组动画了。本来这样的配置一般是通过属性来搞定,而在扩展里一般通过关联对象来实现,但是,现在有7个配置参数,那写起来叫一个感人,而且也实在太难看了。幸好 Swift 从其他语言中吸收了默认值参数这个特性, 对于喜欢用属性来进行配置的人来说就有点不方便了,你可以自己修改文件去实现你想要的配置参数。有了默认值参数,在调用方法时不需要写上全部的参数了,在 Xcode 里,你能看到后面两个方法的提示。而且默认值参数的顺序不一定按照原型的顺序,在默认值参数与其他类型的参数保持整体的相对位置的情况下,你可以任意调整默认值参数之间的顺序,而且个数也不一定与原型相同。

theView.refactorWithNewFrame(nil, piecesRegion: nil, shiningColor: nil)
theView.refactorWithNewFrame(newFrame, piecesRegion: nil, shiningColor: nil, direction: .Horizontal, refactorTime: 0.6, partionRatio: 0.05, enableBigRegion:false)

Destruct API:


theView.destructWithDirection(.Diagonal, animationTime: 0.5, pieceRatio: 0.05)
