
A Go client for the Seed API

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


A Go client for the Seed API

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// to obtain an access token go to https://api.seed.co/v1/public/auth/token in a browser and enter in your seed username/password

accessToken := "1.iap2H-4qQ-WR9sy55555uaytQ.o5A32LYL5-87a_60kcQiX1Lp878GVbx8xfVvTfp5tpc.orsHbAqao-5KfsH8SdglQFltK7Ii8ktL7xo8tls3HAB"

client := seed.New(accessToken)

getTransactionsReq := TransactionsRequest{
	Client: client,
// The two options are between getting all transactions or using an iterator for pagination

// All transcations

transactions, err := getTransactionsReq.Get()

// Using an iterator for pagination

iterator := getTransactionsReq.Iterator()


for iterator.HasNext() {
	var transactions []seed.Transaction
	var err error
	if transactions, err = iterator.Next(); err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("Transactions:\n%v", transactions)

// previous will get the previous page of transactions

previousTransactions, err = iterator.Previous()