
Repository of files for the Getting and Cleaning Data course

Primary LanguageR


Repository of files for the Getting and Cleaning Data course. This repo contains artifacts for the course project

File descriptions:

  • CodeBook.md - description of the data and how the tidy data set was creaetd
  • run_analysis.R - performs the 'analysis'; it creates a tidy dataset from the raw data provided
  • tidy_data.txt - unsummarized tidy data set
  • summarized_data.txt - contains the mean of the variables in the tidy data grouped by subject and activity
  • tidy_variables.txt - a list of the variables contained in the tidy, dataset
  • features_info.txt - shows information about the variables used on the feature vector
  • features.txt - list of all features
  • activity_labels.txt - links the class labels with their activity name.