AWS CDK constructs to verify SES identities like domains and email addresses.
- 0
Reporting a vulnerability
#517 opened by igibek - 5
- 0
Expose SNS topic as a property
#514 opened by AndrewGuenther - 3
User VerifyDomainDkim
#509 opened by jasonwadsworth - 2
Add support to MAIL FROM domain
#505 opened by Kuzat - 5
CDK v2 support
#503 opened by ahammond - 6
Python is not working
#320 opened by joshdlee - 3
add DeletionPolicy
#205 opened by Nemo64 - 5
Can it be applied to multiple regions?
#212 opened by chatii - 0
- 3
HostedZone might be different from the domain name.
#132 opened by cnnblike