HierDo is a hierarchical to-do list editor.
ATTENTION: HierDo is an unfinished, unstable program. Data outside of this program is safe, but data you save using HierDo could be lost or corrupted at any time. Anything about HierDo might change without further notice. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I will remove this warning once I think HierDo is stable enough for productive use.
On the first run HierDo will create a configuration file and a default tree file in your home directory. Most functions are accessed through the context menu or by double-clicking a field. Changes are saved automatically. HierDo should basically work on any system with Tcl/Tk installed, but currently it will allways behave like on Linux, which might result in it saving it's files in unexpected locations.
These features might be implemented in the future:
- Multi-selection (cut & paste, drag & drop)
- Hotkeys
- Multiple tree files
- Tabs
- File attachments (referenced, not embedded)
- History (undo, redo, ...)
- Online synchronization (SSH, FTP, Google Drive, Dropbox, ...)
- Special support for platforms other than Linux
- DEB and RPM packages
- More languages
The current source code originates from an unpolished, quick-and-dirty proof-of-concept. Most of it will either be cleaned up or rewritten in the future.
You can allways feel free to contact me about HierDo or submit issues, fixes, enhancements, translations, comments, requests, complaints or even praise.